Business Directory listings. Deliver consistent brand content for a great brand experience. Business Directory, List of Companies in 24 country and more with Contact Details, Addresses,Worldwide Companies,All data at a glance: addresses, contacts, industry, and much more.
We pride ourselves on providing world-class customer service. Your business is important to us.
Our friendly representatives are here to help you troubleshoot your issues and improve your business solutions.
We continuously work hard to improve the service and support we offer you, our customers.
Our aim is to make it easier for you to do business with us and improve your customer experience.
Our customer support hours
Monday – Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm If you have a service agreement with us, we offer 24/7/365 customer service.
You can get in touch with our support team via email
Our normal response time is within 30 minutes.
ZEMP – We enable our users life’s work, seamlessly mobile. Flexible cloud based Retail platform with integrated payment, opening our users to enhanced mobile customer experiences while having full business transparency at all times.
Business critical information is normally produced and handled by different corporate applications and third-party information systems provided by external suppliers. Considering variety of formats, application lifecycles, delivery schedules — it is quite easy to get lost in data flows doing extraction of aggregated overview information required for decision making. KSF’s…Read more…
Monday to Friday: 08:00– 21:30 Saturday: 07:00–14:00
Department Stores, Shopping Centers & Superstores · Switzerland · 94,535 Employees Founded in 1925, Migros is retailer of consumer goods. Some of the products they provide include grocery, apparel, beauty, and more. Migros is Switzerland’s largest retail company, its largest supermarket chain and largest employer. It is also one of…