For SMEs, private individuals and communities
As lawyers, we advise small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and support private individuals and foundations. Municipalities and public institutions also make use of our advice.
Advisory and in court
As lawyers, we help you with contracts and legal issues. In the event of a conflict, we negotiate for you. We also represent you in court.
Specialized and in a team
As lawyers, we have our areas of expertise. As a team, we develop ideas for you and work out solutions from a single source. We work together with specialists from auditing, tax and financial consulting.
Notarization and certification
In Frauenfeld (Canton Thurgau) we can draw up public documents for you in personal law (marriage and inheritance contracts, wills) and in company law (foundation, amendment of articles of association, capital increase, etc.) and certify signatures and copies. This saves you the trip to the notary’s office. More…
Asesoría en español
Nuestros abogados MLaw Katja Schoch Ospina Montes y MLaw Stefan Frey pueden ofrecerle asesoría legal en español en varios campos del derecho suizo, por ejemplo en derecho familiar (ej. separaciones, divorcios, reclamación de alimentos), derecho comercial y de sociedades ( ej. creación de empresas, elaboración de contratos), derecho laboral, derecho de arrendamiento o derecho penal.
Our offices are located in Winterthur (Canton Zurich) and Frauenfeld (Canton Thurgau).
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