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Springer Nature was founded in 2015. This company provides life science research and publishing services. Their headquarters are located in Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Advancing Discovery
Springer Nature advances discovery by publishing trusted research, supporting the development of new ideas and championing open science. We are committed to playing our part in accelerating solutions to address the world’s urgent challenges.
How we are helping the research community to advance discovery
Springer Nature advances discovery by publishing robust and insightful research, supporting the development of new areas of knowledge, making ideas and information accessible around the world, and leading the way on open access. Key to this is our ability to provide the best possible service to the whole research community.
At Springer Nature our aim is to advance discovery.
For 180 years we’ve dedicated ourselves to the academic community, creating value across the publishing process.
Recreating the sound of silence
While most anechoic chambers are used for acoustic research, UCL’s is used in phonetics – the scientific study of the human voice. Researchers make precise recordings of voices, using both microphones and laryngographs.
This latter device, developed by one of the academics who used this chamber, measures the opening and closing of the voice box while the subject speaks. Linguists at UCL use the recordings to identify the root causes of speech abnormalities in children.
We are a global and progressive business
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